Integrative Manual Therapy
What is Integrative Manual Therapy?
Integrative Manual Therapy is based on the assumption that most health problems (whether minor or chronic) come down to blockages and other dysfunctions that prevent the body from self-healing. IMT uses a unique set of non-invasive techniques, approaches, and methodologies that work from within the body to find and treat the root cause of pain, dysfunction, disease and disability.
By addressing the body as a whole and not focusing on just one system (eg circulatory, nervous, autonomic nervous, lymphatic and endocrine), IMT allows the practitioner to locate the source of pain and disability and not just the symptom, they can then re-establish the body’s internal flow and innate healing abilities.
Benefits of Physiotherapy
What is Integrative Manual Therapy?
IMT takes a holistic approach to health and is based on the concept that all elements (muscles, bones, organs, blood vessels, nerves and membranes, etc.) are mutually dependent on each other, and that the body functions as a single unit incorporating all individual systems. For example, the physical state of the colon affects the rest of the digestive system and, if that is not working properly, other systems of the body such as the musculoskeletal system will be affected. IMT offers techniques to support the body in restoring the structural integrity of every individual element.
IMT is based on four fundamental premises:
The structural condition of an element of the body determines how well the element performs its function. Only if an element is structurally sound can it perform its function correctly.
All systems of the body alter their function to the extent necessary to protect the body by maintaining a normal operating condition.
The resolution of pain, dysfunction, disease and disability can only be achieved by identifying and resolving the primary cause, not by treatment of the associated symptoms.
The body has an inherent ability to heal itself if properly supported.
How does IMT work?
The IMT diagnostic and treatment techniques are based on the evaluation of the biological rhythms of the body. From a diagnostic standpoint, IMT functions similarly to the sensing of the heart’s pulse. An assessment of the client is made by hand, using for example the heart beat, in order to find the body’s circadian biologic rhythms and movements.
This assessment takes into account the multiple, complex systems of the entire body in order to gain a full picture of the client’s state of health and wellbeing. The IMT practitioner then introduces new concepts to the body, giving it an opportunity to heal itself.
How does IMT work?
IMT treatment is extremely gentle. It is administered with the patient lying on a treatment table. Some of the treatment techniques require that the patient be gently guided into specific postures. Generally, all that is felt by a patient undergoing treatment is the hands of the therapist resting lightly on the body. The movements involved are extremely delicate and subtle. After a treatment session, patients generally feel relaxed and serene.
Who can benefit from IMT?
Everyone, from newborns to elders. IMT has a virtually unlimited breadth of applications, from sports-related injuries, back pain, asthma, head injuries and chronic pain, to attention deficit disorder, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, diabetes, heartburn, ulcers, colic in infants, adrenal exhaustion, irritable bowel syndrome, and kidney disorders. In summary, IMT has applications in all aspects of health.